High-Density Crowds Research
“Emergent Structural Mechanisms for High-Density Collective Motion Inspired by Human Crowds”, Physical Review Letters, 2016
Podcast interview for BBC’s “Deeply Human”
TV interview for SVT nyether (Swedish television, in Swedish)
Radio interview for p3nyether (in Swedish)
Radio interview for SverigesRadio (in Swedish)
In print
2022 – Una calca mortale: come sopravvivere ad una folla impazzita (A mortal mob: how to survive a crowd gone mad) Interview for the popular science magazine Focus (Italian).
2019 – Folla da paura (A scary crowd) Interview with Riccardo Oldani for the popular science magazine Focus (Italian).
2017 – Likt en våg på havet växter rörelsen sig större (Like a wave on the sea, the movement grows larger) phone interview for Magasinet Filter (Swedish)
2016 – Sand hjälper forskare att förstå (Sand helps researchers at understanding) via the Swedish national newspaper Dagens Nyether
Online [Full list]
Video by p3nyether Swedish radio on Instagram, counting 10k+ views
The Physics of Mass Gatherings and the Trump Inauguration via Huffington Post
Live to See Next Thanksgiving by Dodging a Black Friday Stampede via Inverse
Scientists model mass gatherings, identify the risks of large crowds via UPI
Hårdrockfans kan stoppa katastrof (Hard Rock fans can stop catastrophes) via UNT (Uppsala online news), in Swedish
Katastrofer i folksamlingar kan förutses med matematik (Disasters in crowds can be predicted by mathematics) via Forskning, in Swedish
Transport Networks Research
“Local cost minimisation in ant transport networks: from small-scale data to large-scale tradeoffs”, Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 2015
How ants could influence urban planning via The Fifth Estate
Ants are incredibly cost-efficient urban planners via CityLab
Ants Improve Network Design via I F**king Love Science
Going the ant way via Live Mint
Myror kan lära oss bli bättre på infrastruktur (Ants can teach us to get better on infrastructure) via SVT nyether, in Swedish
Las hormigas nos enseñan los mejores caminos (Ants teach us the best ways) via El Español, in Spanish
Svelato il segreto delle reti di trasporto delle formiche (The secret of ant transport networks is finally revealed) via Galileo, in Italian